Behind the Scenes: Preparations for the Executive Circle in Full Swing
5/7/2024 EUROGUSS Family News

Behind the Scenes: Preparations for the Executive Circle in Full Swing

The die casting industry needs sharp minds and innovative solutions to bring visions to life. However, to transform these visions into a joint strategy, a strong network is indispensable. The second Executive Circle in July 2024 aims to take a significant step in the right direction. To prepare, the program committee of this exclusive event for decision-makers and top managers convened to identify concrete potentials and value drivers.

The programme committee of the Executive Circle in Frankfurt 2024.
What is commonly regarded as a cliché phrase takes on conviction within the Executive Circle: Progress is only achievable together. Currently, the initiative is spearheaded by NürnbergMesse. Engagement must stem from the industry and, most importantly, from the top – from the boards, decision-makers, and young leaders within the European die casting sector.

"Our expertise across the entire value chain of aluminum die casting is a significant competitive advantage compared to the USA, Mexico, China, Japan, and India," emphasizes Johannes Messer, a recognized industry expert and consultant. "That's why in Europe, we need to combine this expertise, and only top management can set the essential course for it."
The programme committee of the Executive Circle in Frankfurt in a discussion round.

Strengthening the European Die Casting Network

At the end of April 2024, the program committee met to address not only the network itself but also the themes for the upcoming event in July 2024. Discussions revolved around the feasibility of future scenarios from the ZukunftsInstitut, as well as how to strengthen and expand a European network for die casting.

The committee agrees: for the Executive Circle to reach its full potential, the event must remain accessible. This means decision-makers from the entire die casting value chain can participate, join the network, and benefit – even if they haven't attended past events.
EUROGUSS – Stage at Executive Circle 2023

Executive Circle in July 2024: Registration Still Open

The second Executive Circle will take place on July 2nd and 3rd, 2024, in Frankfurt, aimed at C-level executives and decision-makers, along with a limited number of young leaders and talents. Long-term industry direction will be defined and specific measures developed through workshop groups and informal exchanges. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Hengstschläger, Head of the Institute for Medical Genetics at the Medical University of Vienna, is confirmed as the keynote speaker. Registration is still possible.

Find more information about the event, agenda and registration here.

"Highlighting Youthful Spirit in the Foundry Industry"

There's no future without skilled professionals and successors. Moving forward, in addition to young leaders, a limited number of young talents will increasingly become part of the discussion. Company representatives can register and bring such talents from their organizations to the event.
Eric Müller
"I am a foundryman through and through, and it's important to me that we highlight this youthful spirit in the foundry industry. If we want to better market the industry and attract young leaders and engineers, we need to change our approach and present ourselves a bit fresher.”
Eric Müller, Chief Technology Officer of the Gnutti Carlo Group

Navigating Between Challenge, Innovation, and Cooperation

The die casting industry faces the need to drive innovation and implement more sustainable production methods. Simultaneously, the financial situation of some companies remains precarious, requiring the industry to become more efficient and collaborative.

"We need to learn to form a team," says Müller. " If we act together as an industry, we can underscore the importance of the European location." Messer adds: "Above all, we must not just live from event to event. There must be real changes in how we collaborate."

At the Executive Circle in July 2024, concrete steps will be agreed upon. The event will involve more international participants alongside young talents to further promote dynamism.

For more information on the event and registration, please visit: 
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